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The Apprentices (The Crimson Guard Trilogy Book 1) Page 4

  “You mean you are a thief?” Jes said

  “Why yes,” puffed up the man, “I am the leader of the guild here in the Burning City. But anyway, back to your question about recent events. There were a group of slavers who tried to sell your friend. After your friend killed two of the men, the third ran for his life. With the leader on his tail your friend tried to enter the flames.” The old man sighed. “Well your friend and the slaver ended up in the fire. All I know after that is that the slaver died a hideous death and that mage friend of yours entered the library unharmed.” The man stopped talking and gathered his belongings. “I am off. Good luck in your adventure, young thief,” and he was off. “Oh, one other thing, your friend is the only man that I have ever heard of entering the fire without being burned alive.”

  “For the record, old man, I am a rogue!” Jes yelled after him. Not a common thief Jes thought.

  Great, thought Jes, how am I supposed to pass through the flames? I hate fire. That is when a thought hit him; all these places should have a subterranean entrance. Maybe the flames do not travel down, and thus Jes went searching for a way into the Library, but first he headed back to the Flying Horse for a drink.


  I awoke early in the afternoon. The silence was almost unbearable, but I was anxious to start my training so I left my room in search of another human being. It did not take long to find one of the guards patrolling the rows between the books.

  “Have you any idea where the Keeper is?” I asked. I still found it absurd that they even had guards.

  “He is in the larger study, through those doors over there.” He pointed to a set of small doors and then went along his way.

  “Thanks, ” I said as I pushed through the oak doors.

  The Keeper sat in a high backed chair with no armrests. A large book was sitting in front of him and he seemed to be reading it. I did not know if he knew that I was there or not, so I decided to risk a glance over his shoulder. As I approached, he turned and stood clapping his hands together.

  “Excellent you have come. When do you wish to start your training?” He seemed far too glad to see me.

  “Well, sir, I would like to begin now if it was alright,” I said.

  “Of course, go and speak to the Librarian and he will give you a few books to study.”

  “Ok, uh, what were you reading? If you don’t mind my asking,” I replied.

  I did not expect him to answer, but he did. “It is a book about warding off spells and enchantments. I am looking for a way to free us of the fire.”

  "You are trapped here?" I asked

  "Yes, we are trapped here. Like the outside world we cannot enter the fire without dire consequences." He looked down with sadness in his eyes.

  “Well, have you found anything that can help you escape?” I asked, thinking why escape, it is safe here.

  “Yes, I actually have. Here, sit and I will tell you. Your teachings can wait a little.” I was actually kind of surprised that he was going to tell me anything.

  “The magic that surrounds this place was once thought to kill only those with evil in their hearts, but a while ago we tested that theory. My wife was as pure hearted as they come, she hated no one and loved all. She tried to leave because we had just given birth to Juleen and we wanted her to have a life, and what we have here is terrible. Yes, we never have to worry about the dangers that I have watched breeding in the outside world. A world which needs cleansing. It is still a terribly lonely existence trapped here in the Library.” His face became very solemn and tears formed in his eyes. “She was consumed by that retched flame. We realized that evil and goodness had nothing to do with this enchantment. For years now I have searched for answers and I have finally found something. For the spell to differentiate between good and evil, the caster would have had to be either pure evil or pure good. The mage that created the spell with his blood was neither.”

  “So then how did I survive?” I interrupted him.

  “You lived because the power which you wielded when you killed the slavers was greater than what this place can destroy. You may have not felt it, but the killing energy does not leave you once you regain control. It lives in your blood for a period of time, the duration it is there differs between each mage.” This was astonishing I could not believe it. I was more powerful than the endless flame. “So you are saying that when we were talking and if I had remained in the flame it could have suddenly consumed me as well.”

  “Yes, that could have happened, that was why I was urging you to come with me.” He continued with excitement in his voice. “So what you must learn is how to wield the energy and to shorten the time you spend without control. You are a Berserker and only the greatest can control all their power. What I hope is that you may be able to end the flame with your power and release us from this prison.” Prison, I thought. I didn’t think that it was a prison. That is probably because I could leave when I wanted to.

  "I thought magic came from the Wielder, and was always with me? You are saying it dissipates after use." I said.

  "Ah, that is a good question. Magic does originate within the caster, but the power you summon forth comes from everywhere. The magic is around us at all times and only a few have the ability to shape this power into what we call magic. You must be born with the ability it cannot be taught." He said.

  "So what makes me different then all the other magic users?" I asked

  "The difference is in most magic users their strength can only summon a finite amount of energy from the outside world. However, you and the few others like you can open a void within themselves. This void sucks in an infinite amount of energy until the caster either dies or closes the vacuum."

  "But, I can't open or close any 'void.' It just happens." I said, looking at my hands.

  "Ah, yes, you can open and you do create this void. Just because you cannot control it does not mean it doesn't happen. From my best guess you go into survival mode and you unconsciously summon the power to protect yourself." The Keeper shrugged.

  “That is enough for now, go train, Berserker.” With that, he turned and fixed his attention back onto the book.

  “One more thing Keeper, what were the voices that I heard while I was in the flame?”

  For a split second I saw a look of terrific fear before composing himself. “I do not know; I have never heard voices while near the flame.” With that, I turned to leave the room.

  The Keeper quickly turned around, “Oh Berserker! Can you find the Librarian, he has something for you.”

  As I walked back to my room, I found the Librarian hidden behind a stack of books. “Sir, I was told to something from you.”

  The man pointed to three books and signaled for me to read them. “Thanks,” I said as I walked away.

  I quickly read through the books. Within a couple of hours I had finished one and started the next. They did not have many interesting things, just different places and ancient magic users who had discovered new ways to grow plants. The third book I found interesting; it was a book on all languages known to man. I took my time in reading this one, and learning the languages was not that difficult. I had managed to master them before the day was up.

  “Enlightened One, it is time for bed.” The Keeper had found me and I complied with his instructions. As I lay near sleeping, I remembered the Keeper calling me the ‘Enlightened One’, I had heard that somewhere before. I eventually fell asleep trying to remember where I had heard it.

  The next couple of days continued in the same manner, I read countless books and learned a great number of things. I did not understand how reading all of the books about gardening and medicine were going to prepare me for bringing down the flame and I was going to speak with the Keeper when he suggested I start training with the guards. They were very accomplished weapon and magic users.

  By the end of the first week I had mastered most of what they were trying to teach. The guards and Keeper were very surprised, but I told them that my f
irst master had always said that I was an extremely fast learner.

  A few days later I awoke sore from a hard training day with the shorter guard. Well, he was not much shorter than me, maybe an inch. But when he is close enough to land some hard punches you can tell the height difference. Although I still had a few hours left before I was due for lessons, I decided my bed was no longer where I wanted to be. I left my room and started to wander. I had not gone far when I noticed a door, I had not seen before. Above the door was a single word ‘Cleansing.’ The word reminded me of something, but I could not grasp it as I reached out to open the door. Before I could the Librarian turned the corner and walked up to me. In his hand was a small book, the spine was gilded with gold and silver. There were no words on the leather cover. He handed it to me.

  “What is this?” Great question to ask a man who can’t speak. With no response he walked away.

  I opened the book and on the inside cover was the title ‘Artifacts and Secrets of the Library.’ I read further and it said “Property of The Librarian.”

  Well, that is odd, I thought. I wondered why he would give me this. I walked back to my room pondering the book, almost forgetting the ‘Cleansing room.’

  For the next week I trained hard with the taller of the guards. Having been around him for so long, I decided to refer to him as ‘Too Tall’. This guard seemed different than the others; maybe it was because he was taller, or maybe because I was learning battle magic. The battle magic was quickly becoming my favorite. Odd because not so long ago I trembled at the mere thought of attacking someone. I had just finished my training when the Keeper summoned me to his reading chamber. I arrived to find him once again hunched over the same book.

  "You asked for me." I stated more than asked.

  "Yes, yes. Come, come." He stood from the desk holding his hands behind his back. "I have been told you are doing incredibly well in your training." He said with a smile.

  "I am doing my best, just trying to learn as much as I can before I leave." His face turned in response to what I said.

  "Oh, in a hurry to leave are you?" He asked

  "I have been given a task I must complete." I answered.

  "What is this so important task?" I stopped to think about his question, did I even know what my task was. Trying to change the subject I asked "I have been wondering the Library after my training sessions, and I found a room with Cleansing above the door, what is in that room?"

  His face became cold, "did you enter the room?"

  "No." I answered "I was just curious."

  His face softened again. "Don't worry about it just a storeroom. Now you should get back to your room, don't wonder too much. We wouldn't want you to get into trouble."

  Ignoring his warning I again wandered through the halls hoping this time to catch a glimpse of Juleen. Oh, how much I wanted to see her. I realized at that moment I had not seen her since that first day when I was introduced to her.

  I had been out and about for an hour or so when I decided to return to my room. I slipped down on the bed and took out the Librarians’ book. I flipped through the pages and saw many pictures of rings, other jewelry, hats and books. Why would someone draw a picture of a book in a book? That made no sense to me. On the corresponding page was a brief description of what it was and where it was stored in the Library. I continued to skim through the book when I came to a crude drawing of a bell. I thought back to the amazing sound created by the golden bell when I had first come to my new school. I looked on the opposite page. All it read was ‘In the Keepers personal cache unknown magical powers.’ In small print near the bottom it said, ‘Very dangerous ancient magic.’ I continued through the book and saw amazing swords and axes. Jes would give almost anything to have some of these weapons. There were even pictures of the Guards and the Keeper. I flipped through the pages quickly, hoping to see Juleen, but she was absent.

  I looked up out of frustration and realized my candle had almost burnt down. “Well, ” I thought out loud “Time for bed.” I leaned over and extinguished the light.

  Midway through the third week I realized I still had not seen Juleen once, nor had I eaten anything. Still, I never felt hunger; I shrugged this off thinking that it had to have been just a part of the magic of the Library.

  Forgetting about my lack of nourishment I returned to my continuous wandering of the Library's corridors.

  “Lyndon I must speak with you.”

  “Who said that?” I said.

  “It is I the Librarian,” said a figure hidden in the shadows.

  “But, I thought you could not speak,” I replied.

  “I always could, I just chose not to, but now it is the time for words. You must leave this place, and leave immediately.” The urgency in his voice frightened me.

  “Why, I don’t think that I am ready. The Keeper has said that for a while now.”

  “He has just kept you here until he found the right way to end the Library’s protection.” He stepped out of the darkness and I could see the fear on his face. “We cannot allow him to end the fire. I have learned things here that in the wrong hands would consume hundreds even thousands of lives. I fear that I cannot tell you either, but now that I have grown to know you, I know that you are pure of heart and want to help. There is one thing that you must know for your future. Magic can be the most powerful and effective if thought and not spoken. That is all, you must leave. Take the door behind you and you will meet Juleen with your belongings. Take her with you and please hurry. Both of you are destined for much more than this Library can provide.” With that, he turned and slipped out of sight behind a wall of books. I grabbed the book the Librarian had given me and left. He had no need to lie to me, and I strangely understood what he meant about not needing to speak, as I have felt that way previously.

  The man had been correct; Juleen was indeed waiting for me. In her hands she held my cloak, my bag, and a small scroll. The scroll I had completely forgotten about until I saw it in her grasp. I took my belongings and spoke. “What now?”

  “Follow me.” She led me through a series of doors and corridors. While we walked I looked at her wondering why I had never seen her walking about the Library before. Trying to lighten the mood I said "I have been meaning to ask, but all the while I have been here I have not eaten. Do you know the reason I am not dying of hunger?"

  She looked over her shoulder, confused, "eat, what is this ‘eat’ you speak of?" Before I could respond we came to a small dark room with no lights, the magic fire didn’t illuminate this deep part of the library.

  “Where are we...?” I could not finish my sentence for a large section of the wall suddenly collapsed, leaving a cloaked man holding a white sword.


  The way back to the Flying Horse had given Jes plenty of time to form his plans. He had realized that the thieves’ guild must have had no idea that there was a second entrance or they would have cleaned the place out. His only fear was maybe there was no way in, then what? But these thoughts didn’t dissuade him. All places have a second entrance; there must be a way in, Jes thought.

  Ale was sounding very nice as Jes neared the Flying Horse. The Flying Horse was an imposing building with a thick metal and wood railing. Jes admired the craftsmanship as he entered the alehouse, and to his surprise it was packed. There were no tables open except one on the far side of the room, and for some reason everyone was avoiding it. Jes took a seat at the bar so he could face the empty table.

  Soon enough Jes had found out why, a small band of men had parted the rest of the crowd and took up residence at the solitary table. Looking as if they were regulars, they knew why everyone else had been staying clear, but tonight these men were looking for a fight. Jes saw the white sword hilt first and then the silence was complete. Everyone in the ale house was still; even the drunk men who could not stay upright in their chairs were quiet.

  The men seated at the table were whispering to one another. When the cloaked man spoke his voice was n
ormal pitched for a man, but the lisp seemed odd. “Pleassse sssirsss thisss isss my table, and I would like no trouble tonight.”

  “Well then if you don’t want any trouble, maybe you should find another table.” The older man sitting was the one who answered. To Jes they seemed to be slavers.

  “Thisss hasss alwaysss been my table and I have paid for it. Ssso if you be ssso kind and would move.” The kindness in the cloaked man’s voice was very surprising to Jes.

  “No, I do not think that we will move tonight Animal Man,” said the old man in a stern voice.

  The stance of the cloaked man changed drastically, and Jes knew that he must have not liked being called Animal Man. The owner had just arrived at the table when the old man had finished.

  “Please, we do not need any violence tonight, please just move. This man has paid for the table and if you would like it, then you must pay.” None of the slavers seemed to have heard the owner. Nor did the owner see the knife slide out of one of the slavers’ pockets and make its way to the owner’s heart.

  Jes saw it and was about to warn the unsuspecting victim when the murdered man’s arm fell to the floor. In its place was a huge white blade. The cloaked man had also seen the weapon and then proceeded to disarm the man holding the knife, literally. That man is incredibly fast thought Jes, and the sword I must have. Slowly Jes made his way to the front of the crowd.

  When he arrived, he found three bodies sprawled out on the floor. That is when Jes made his move. Any normal man Jes would have killed in one strike. The knife was perfectly aimed and should have found its way into the cloaked man’s heart. Instead, Jes found himself staring at the edge of a massive white sword. On closer inspection he could see that it was not shaped like a broad sword with straight sides and a tapered point. It actually was curved like a cutlass, the only difference was that it was huge and had no dull edges. How fascinating Jes thought as he rolled away.