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The Apprentices (The Crimson Guard Trilogy Book 1) Page 3

  The ride was actually comfortable; I let my mind recall all the things that had happened last night. I was amazed that after 16 years of living, nothing exciting ever happened until last night. Oh, how it was exciting!

  We left Townsmend just after sunrise, beginning our eastern journey. Most of the time traveling, I spent consumed in my own thoughts, neither Jes nor I speaking. It wasn't until late that evening that we reached a great iron gate marking an old city’s outskirts filled with ruined buildings and ancient streets.

  I wondered what happened to the former occupants of this ruined city as we crossed through the gates. For the last couple of miles we could see the glow emitting from a great flame.

  “This must be the place; where else can you find a building on fire.” Jes also added, “I must leave you for a while. There are errands that I need to run.”

  “How can you have errands to run? Have you been here before?”

  “No, but I have errands, go find yourself some answers. I will see you at the fire tomorrow, at this time.”

  And with that Jes spurred his horse into a gallop and disappeared into the city.

  That night I stayed alone in a poor excuse for an inn. The food was tough and stale, the barmaid was a little too friendly and a little too ugly; but the worst thing was the bed. The bed was hard as a rock, the sheets dirtied with who knows what on them.

  I was very happy to leave the inn and say my goodbyes for I would never return.

  Wandering around the city cleared my head, but I still did not know what I was going to do. My head was clear but it was also empty.

  The buildings were dirty and should have been uninhabitable, but scum must sleep and drink somewhere. I feared this place they called the Burning City. Around every corner were cutthroats and men for hire.

  Suddenly I realized how much I missed the old days, how I missed my peaceful existence. If I stayed too long, I am sure this place would kill me, sooner than later.

  I decided that maybe looking at the burning building would give me direction. What I did not know was that this was the most dangerous part of town. The path was clear of filth and gardens covered most of the ground. It was beautiful, no drunks to push past and no pickpockets grabbing at your coins. It was a breath of fresh air.

  The flame was a beautiful white and emitted no heat as I moved closer to the front steps. Before I could continue a voice sounded from behind.

  “I would not go much closer. Don’t want to see good merchandise destroyed.”

  Terror struck me. I could only assume they were slavers. As I turned, it was obvious they were very experienced from the look on their hardened faces. The one who had spoken was a tall man, with scars covering most of his face. I could also see that he was missing three fingers on his right hand.

  You can always tell a slaver from the other scum by their unique arm bands. All over the land slavers conduct business, each with different leadership and symbols. But what they all have in common is a metal band on their right forearm. Each band signifies what gang a slaver belonged to. I have never known why they would want to advertise, but they do.

  “I said step away,” this brought me out of my stare.

  “Why should I.” I replied.

  “Because I said to, don’t you youth have any respect today.” The slaver’s voice started to get mean.

  “I have no respect for slavers.” A hideous laugh came from the tall man as I said this.

  As I am looking at this man, I thought, what was I doing? Why don’t I just step away from the flame? Yet something was drawing me closer. Not really knowing what to do, I backed away from the building.

  “That’s right come to me.” A faint smile crept over his face.

  If I were to go to him I would at least not die, but he would try and sell me to some hideous rich man would make me do untold things.

  “You know what slaver; I think I would rather take my chances with the fire than with you”. With this I made a mad dash for the white fire.

  I had only taken a few steps before they were upon me, hands desperately trying to pin me down. Fear swept over me, I kicked and screamed, hoping someone would come. I should have known that in this town no one ever comes, none the less I still screamed.

  The men started yelling at each other and a sword was drawn, I could feel myself slipping away. The feeling was the same as before, I knew what was happening, but still could not stop it. The man who was trying to restrain me suddenly flew across the park and landed in a heap a few yards from the others. He reminded me of a leaf in the wind. The magic and power flowed through me like a river after a horrendous storm. The two remaining men came at me from both sides swords drawn. I willed myself to run, for my legs or body to do anything. I would have cried at this point if I could have. The men had almost reached me when a blue flame streaked from my fingertips, leaving one man charred and the other running for his life. I thought, Slavers sure don’t have any loyalties.

  As I regained control of my body, I realized that this was no way to live. A life without control is no life at all. Slowly I turned and stared in awe, the beckoning flames of the library is my answer. All who tried to enter this forbidden place were consumed by the never ending flame. This is my end, a way out of this world, an end to the struggle, one more death to stop the killing. For the first time in my life I was not afraid, my thoughts were making me feel whole. Something I hadn't been since childhood was ripped from me. With all my confidence and courage, I stepped towards the wall of fire. As I reached the edge between life and life after death, I paused. An overwhelming feeling came over me. Can this possibly be the right thing to do? Without giving myself a second to reconsider, I closed my eyes and stepped forward.

  A strong hand gripped my shoulder, the grip of death I thought. Maybe the Gods were here to receive me for all my sins.

  “Don’t fear mage, Daddy’s got you now, no need to do that.”

  Without hesitating I turned, but to my dismay, I was alive and the hand was missing three fingers.

  “Now how would I make any money with you going off and killing yourself?” The slaver’s voice was shaking.

  “No!! I won’t go!” I screamed.

  “No more killing, no more.” I whispered

  Without another thought I dove, propelling myself through the flame and hopefully to a quick and painless death. The man struggled desperately to restrain me, nothing could stop me now. Sadly, as I entered the flame I realized the slaver’s grip drew him in after me.

  Somewhere deep inside I felt sorry for him. As I stood there in the flame, I became slightly disappointed it was not killing me. After only a moment the voices filled my head. They were all jumbled and screaming or crying, but the one that I could hear the best was coming from the leader that had followed me in. The man floated inches above the ground and a horrifying expression was set upon his face. The expression was frozen like an ice sculpture or statue.

  Now that his scream had died down the voices became louder again. Although I could still hear him, it sounded muffled and distant, as if from another world.

  “Why am I not dead? Why am I not just a distant voice?” I thought aloud.

  I stood in the intense light for a few moments, trying to figure out what to do. Off in the distance under an awning, I could see a beggar staring at me, eyes wide.

  “Come, do not fear.” A voice sounded from behind the closed doors. Forgetting the dirty beggar I turned towards the voice. I saw two great oak doors with one word etched into the stone above, Knowledge. This must be a library.

  As I closed the distance between myself and the doors, they swung open revealing a man silhouetted against the bright light from the interior of the building.

  “Who are you; I will come no closer until you answer me.” This sudden boldness caught me by surprise. Before I could apologize or defend myself, he answered.

  “I am the Keeper and I have been waiting a very long time for you to step through the forbidden flames.”

  “Me? One who can’t even control my own magic or body?” I said and nearly broke into tears.

  “Only great berserkers can learn to control their magic.” Berserker, did he say Berserker? Thoughts filled my head. “What does this all mean?”

  “Your previous master was not strong; he had insufficient power and fortitude to instruct one such as yourself.” His words were getting more and more confusing to me.

  “He knew as we did that you would have to come here. He knew that we, the Librarians were the ones to help you on your path. We can only show you the road. Even we do not have the knowledge to teach you the ways of control. Only one who has been where you are can help.” Yeah, that helps me a lot.

  “You must have the wrong mage. I am only a basic level apprentice of a great and powerful wizard.” My words did not have much strength behind them.

  “No, we are sure you are the one.” I was shocked by his confidence. Then he continued, “You never knew, but your master’s name was Smithson. He was one of the six who survived the great battle of Red Beach.”

  “Red Beach, why is it called that?” I questioned him.

  “So much blood and magic was spilled that dreadful night it caused the sand to become permanently stained red. This is not relevant now, so please ask no more questions.”

  Already this “Librarian” as he called himself was getting to me. Bringing up things I do not know, and then telling me to not ask questions.

  As the Keeper continued to speak it sounded to me that he liked to hear his own voice. “The other five that survived were Trimble, Doxen, Apox, Rem, and finally the most powerful, Matlintoc.” So many questions were running through my head and it took a lot of restraint to hold back.

  “The fate of the first four are illusive to us here in the Library, but we have seen Matlintoc. He is the one who told of your eventual arrival.”

  I could not hold back any longer, “Is he here, and is he a Seer? I have read and heard many stories about Seers.”

  Seers are very powerful magicians who dedicate their entire lives for the chance to see the future. My master had told me of one that he had once known and I was hoping that this Matlintoc was him. I would like to meet him so much.

  “Slow down child, for he is neither.” The Keeper said

  “Oh well, then what does all this have to do with me?”

  “Before Matlintoc, no one had ever crossed the threshold. We feared that our destiny was to be alone forever.” His voice had a slightly sad note to it. “The mage taught us many things and told us that we must read all of the books. So when the time came we would be able to help the enlightened one.”

  “So are you saying that this enlightened stuff is talking about me?”

  “Yes, that is exactly what we are saying.” Joy replaced the sadness in his words. “But now I will introduce you to my companions.”

  I had not realized it, but the whole time we were talking I had remained in the embrace of the flame. The old man gestured me to follow. I did just that without even a second glance back. The outside world was not going to give me the answers that these people hopefully could.

  The interior of the building was not much different than a regular library, except for the complete absence of people and artificial lighting. I figured that the absence of lights was due to the fact that the endless flame outside illuminated the entire building. I wondered how these people sleep with no darkness.

  We continued on for a while until we came to a small golden bell. He took up a miniature metal hammer, and struck it once. “The sound is so beautiful.” I said. “Please ring it again.” I yearned to hear the bell one more time.

  “No! The bell can only be sounded once.” The sternness in his voice frightened me out of my daze, although I still desired to hear the soft ring once more.

  By now a group of red clad figures surrounded us. I was not afraid, for these people seemed at peace. The old man broke through my thoughts, “these are the members of our family and there are only six of us left.”

  As I surveyed their faces, a realization hit me. They all looked very similar. Before I could ask the old keeper seemed to have read my mind. “The magic of the flame has changed our appearance and is still changing us. To what end I do not know. Now for formal introductions, I am the Keeper. I am so because I was the eldest when the city fell. My name has been lost with time.” For some reason I felt sorry for him.

  “Those three are the Guardians; they have trained and studied every known magical attack, defense and weapon known to man. They also have no names.” He said this as he pointed to three identical men with blue sashes across their shoulders. Each man was very muscular with bald heads. Along with the sash, they wore orange sleeveless tunics. Their stature did not worry me, it was their intense stares that caught my attention.

  I turned back to the Keeper. “Guards, why do you need guards? No one can even get in here.” I just had to ask.

  “You will find these answers in due time,” he replied and then continued on with his introductions. “The one with the purple sash is the Librarian; he knows where every book is and what every book is about. But sadly, with all of the intense studying, he has lost the ability to speak.”

  “Wait, ” I said. “I thought there were six of you, and I only see five.”

  “Ah, very good, the last is Juleen.”

  “What does a Juleen do?” I wondered out loud.

  “A Juleen does nothing. It is a person, my daughter.”

  “Your daughter?” Instantly after I said this I saw her. Her body was that of an athlete, slick and streamlined. She had long dark hair that shone from the white flame. Her face was slightly rounded with beautiful silver eyes. Her eyes are what struck me so. They burned with power, but also sadness. I instantly knew I wanted to be with her, I also knew that she was definitely too good for me.

  “And now you shall sleep.” With this the Keeper showed me to a small room.

  “Later we shall start your training,” he said before leaving.

  My life had been completely turned upside down; I thought what am I to do now? Even though all these questions were burning within me, I still fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.


  The street was dirtier than any he had ever seen. That was not the worst of it though; the people were ten times worse. No respect and more importantly, no money.

  Jes had been looking for a good score ever since he had parted from Lyndon at the gate.

  “Hello sir, do you have any idea where I can find a good ale house?” Jes asked a passerby.

  “You can go to the Flying Horse, but a thief like you would not like that place.” Jes had to hold back the surprise. How had the man known what he was? Since he already knew that Jes was a thief, why not play that card. “Well, sir, why would it not be a good place for someone like me?”

  “Oh, it’s not for lack of money for that is the richest part of town,” the man continued. “The reason I do not practice my profession there is because of the cloaked man.”

  “So you are saying that you are a fellow thief?” From the looks of it not a very good one, Jes thought. “Does this cloaked man have a name?”

  “I believe it has something to do with an animal, but that is all I am willing to tell you. Maybe you should go find out for yourself. We don’t need any more of our kind in this town anyway.” The thief walked away without another word.

  “Hmm, maybe I can make a name for myself in this town if I can take down that animal man.” Jes whispered under his breath.

  The path to the Flying Horse was very profitable for Jes. He picked five coin purses and an odd golden dagger. He lifted the dagger from a very large man who had fallen out of his chair, with the drink still in hand. The wealth here was unbelievable, probably from slavers Jes thought so no loss there.

  He was admiring the pearl handled dagger when he first saw the cloaked man. He wore a greenish black cloak, which covered nearly all of his body. The only thing that cou
ld be seen were a single blood red gauntlet and the hilt of a massive sword. The man had not noticed Jes as he was speaking to an older woman, so Jes decided to take a closer look. As Jes got closer he realized that the gauntlet was actually constructed from dragon scales. A jagged scar across Jes’ own back was his one souvenir when he had tried to face a dragon. Oh, the days of adolescence, he thought. The sword was a completely different story. From what he could see the handle was made from the same material as the gauntlets, but the blade was pure white. That could be a nice addition to my collection, thought Jes.

  Back in a hidden cache near Townsmend, he had hundreds of different types of weapons. Most were collected from men with too many riches to keep track of, but the rest were from men he had been forced to kill. Jes had no reservations about taking another slaver from the world, although there had been times that Jes regretted the life he took. Maybe I will and find this man again Jes thought, for it was now getting dark and Lyndon would be waiting.

  The sun had just fallen from the sky when Jes reached the Library gardens. “Hey! Lyndon, you here?” Jes yelled.

  The only response that he got was from some bum across the road. “Are you talking about that man whom the slavers tried to take earl...” Jes had made it across the street and had slammed the old man against a wall before he could finish his sentence.

  “Tell me what you saw sir, or I will end your miserable life.” The man knew Jes’ threat was solid.

  “Three slavers attacked your friend.”

  “Is he alright, what has happened to him?” Jes interrupted him.

  “Please let me down and hold your tongue.” Jes complied and released the man. He brushed himself off, which did no good since he was covered in an unyielding filth.

  After the man was satisfied, he continued his tale. “Your friend was not taken to answer your question. He actually killed two of them very easily.” This brought a smile to Jes’ face. “Your friend had thought the third man had run off, but actually he had just hidden behind the post over there.” The old man pointed to a large round metal post. “Your friend is a very powerful mage. I am glad that I didn’t try to steal from him.”