The Apprentices (The Crimson Guard Trilogy Book 1) Read online

Page 13

  Jes looked over and caught me staring. Being noticed, I sat up against the wall. “Jes, you could have at least found me a bed.” I said.

  “I figured you would stop getting yourself in trouble if you started waking up on the floor.” I shrugged in response.

  I continued to sit up with relative ease. I figured being blown into a building would have had an adverse effect.

  Jes came to my side. “Can you stand?”

  “I think so, but what is the hurry.”

  Jes looked at the smaller man before he spoke. “We must leave; the others are already securing us transportation.” Jes had just finished as the door burst open and a blood saturated Talon stumbled in.

  “Hey! We are in trouble.” He said directed at Jes.

  This seems familiar, I thought. However Jes spoke before I could. “What did you do this time? Can’t you just buy horses or something? Must you always run us out of what seems like every town we have been in?”

  Talon stopped “Well, I didn’t ssstart it that time or thisss time. The King hasss come for usss. I don’t know how he knew we were here or why we are in hisss gaze, but we need to go.”

  “Then who was that?” I asked, indicating at the blood.

  Talon looked down not attempting to clean off. “The advanced guard did not like it when Naomi refusssed to put on sssome ironsss.”

  “Between you, Jes, and now our new friend Naomi, I am surrounded by people who don’t like being told things. At least I can rely on Frey to not cause trouble… Speaking of Frey, where is he?”

  “Oh, he was helping Naomi, I think he finished off some of the guys out there” Talon proclaimed with his chest puffed out a little.

  “So I am surrounded by fighters, not lovers I see,” I chuckled as I started to stand. The realization of his words hit me, “The King? Why is he after us?”

  Talon only shrugged.

  Outside a commotion brought startled me to my feet, as Naomi and Frey rushed in. I tensed when I noticed Frey holding his arm. “Were you hit?” I asked. He looked at me shaking his head and glanced at Naomi. I now could see her cloak was torn and cut in multiple places. This made me think back to the castle where he took my wounds. “How long can you do that Frey, before you fall?”

  “I do not know Lyndon, but so far I am good, remember I heal faster than all four of you combined.”

  “Well, if you were like me, you would stay out of the path of swords, maybe be lighter on your feet.” Jes proclaimed with a smile. Leave it to Jes to lighten the mood.

  I then noticed Jes was tense as he looked at Naomi, and realized he had been thinking the same thing. I could feel the heat rising in his blood, and the dagger in his hand helped to show his intent.

  Naomi walked over and placed her hand on Jes’ cheek. “Next time you can save me.” She gave Talon a wink and turned to me. “We need to escape, the King is a dreadful man, but he is not the one to be feared, it is the Queen.” I thought back at the stories and rumors of the Queen enticing the King. As if she had been reading my thoughts, she continued, “I don’t know if you have heard of the stories about the Queen. They are not only true, but far worse. She has enslaved the King and bends him to her will. The Queen is a witch and she held the leash of Jesibell.”

  Great! We barely survived a town full of cutthroats, now we see how we would fare against the Kings guard. Before I could speak my opinion, I heard a female voice from outside said “They are in there. Get them! Make sure that you kill the thief first, I hope you burn Jes!”

  Jes looked up “That bitch.” I laughed.

  “What do you expect; she never was one for taking rejection easy.” His tension left and he laughed too.

  “So what do we do,” asked Naomi.

  “It seems to me,” I paused looking around. “That we go. Maybe a solution will present itself on the long march to the Kings’ castle.” As I said this I realized that I actually believed it.

  “Ok, if you say so.” Jes opened the door. “Oh damn.” He said.

  I looked out and ‘oh damn’ is right. Surrounding the little shack we had taken shelter was at least 50 royal guards all dressed in brilliant blue and red armor with a familiar three rings on their shoulders. Each soldier wore plate mail armor; armor harder than steel and lighter than cloth. Their helmets were made of the same ore and resembled a bird’s head with a short beak. Attached to each guard’s side was a sleek black sword, razor sharp and feather light. Each guard looked identically terrifying and ready to destroy our little band. The only difference I could notice from my vantage point was the gems on their sword handles, some were rubies and others were stones I had never seen before. I wonder what the stones are for. Obviously this was not the time to strike up a conversation about their swords, though.

  A lone man stepped out and removed his helmet and spoke in a booming voice. “I am the commander of the primary guard. I have been tasked with the retrieval of Lyndon, and any who may travel with the mage.”

  I looked hard at the man trying to read his face, but it was blank. I stepped forward “I am Lyndon, why does the King wish to meet a lowly mage as me? I mean seriously my master was killed before I even could learn to light a fire.” I hoped to trick the guards into thinking we were nothing but a group of friends, odd friends, but friends all the same. My legs involuntarily shaking added to this illusion.

  He looked at me, then Talon, “You are the one?” He seemed unsure.

  “Yes, it is me.” I said again.

  He still seemed unsure, but spoke to me. “We have come to find you and your companions. The Queen will be pleased to meet you.”

  “I thought you were taking us to the King?” I asked. I knew that the Queen was the one that was worried about us, not the King, but I played it off like I was naïve.

  He didn’t answer, he motioned to his troops and they advanced. I didn’t resist when they put irons on my wrists. As they were restraining me, I noticed none of my companions were fighting either.

  “So off to Ogland then?” I said directed at the apparent leader.

  “Yes, and if I were you I would not have given up so easily.” He responded with a smirk.

  Jes chimed in, “What makes you think we have given up.” Ending his message in a wink, a soldier from nearby slammed him in the jaw dropping him to the ground.

  Ouch, I thought, he did deserve it. But still, I hope he had some plan for I was at a loss.

  They guided us town down the same path I had walked so many times. Now that we were all grouped together I counted 50 soldiers not counting the leader. We came to the old Iron Gate without pause. I looked over to see the familiar building one last time. All to be seen were three outbuildings and a bare patch of dirt. The lighthouse was gone. I looked over at Jes who caught my eye. He winked with the eye that wasn’t swelled up. The guard’s punishment had done more damage than I had thought.

  We traveled a fair distance from the town and it had turned out to be a very dark night when the convoy stopped. From up ahead someone spoke, “We will camp here tonight.” Thank Fram I thought my body had not quite recovered from the previous incident at the lighthouse and I was beginning to struggle to walk. Speaking of the lighthouse I leaned over to Jes. “What happened to the…” I stopped as a guard turned and lead us to a tree, where he anchored our party.

  Jes looked over at me after the man left “I don’t know, I had been meaning to ask you.” I looked over and looked at his black and blue eye.

  “I don’t know either, it was there and the next thing I remember was a blinding light and I was flying through the air.” I failed to mention Juleen on purpose.

  “Ya, I saw the light and you take flight, and then it seemed the building just disappeared.” Jes said.

  I pondered what he said, I remembered a story my master had mentioned of the Red Beach. My master who I now know was Smithson told me of a story of a great battle on a beach that became red with the blood of the combatants. Smithson recalled that there had been a push b
y the enemy forces led by a former apprentice of Matlintoc’s by the name of Taxem. It was their plan to get into the lighthouse and take over the power that was inherent in the building. Now that I think about it, I never remember feeling any power near the building, I wonder if Taxem had been mistaken. Before I could continue my thoughts an alert snapped me back. A voice in the dark yelled something unintelligible before he went silent. Another scream was cut short, and soon the guards had picked up their swords in search of what was silencing their comrades.

  Jes stood up hands and feet free of restraints “I will find out what is happening.” Before I could remind him of his last punishment he disappeared in the dark. Well, he is a rogue, he should be okay now that he is free of bindings.

  I continued to hear yelling, but now a clank of sword on sword began to overwhelm the night’s silence. Suddenly Jes returned wide eyed fumbling to get back into his restraints. “Jes what is going on?” I asked.

  “I don’t know, but whatever or whoever is out there, are making short work of the Queens so called ‘elite soldiers’.” I was worried now because I could see fear slipping through Jes’ constant calm. If he was scared, I should be terrified, but surprisingly I was not. I have realized that there are things beyond my control and I just have to rely on destiny and the things that I could control.

  Startling me the leader of the guard burst from the darkness covered in blood carrying a bag. “If I let you free, will you fight for us?” I looked at him thinking he was joking, but from his face I knew he was sincere.

  “Will you let us go free if we survive?” I asked.

  He was hesitant but finally responded. “Yes, this enemy is worse than my dear Queen.” He threw the bag on the ground and the contents spilled out. I recognized a great white sword, a giant axe and a few other weapons which I had seen Jes slinging around. I looked up to see the group waiting for my answer. I averted my eyes to the sky, noticing it was no longer quite so dark. I had not realized we had been talking for so long, the sun was beginning to rise. Or had it ever been as dark as we originally had thought, it could have been another spell that we experienced back in Saraphala.

  “We will fight.” Nearly before I had finished talking Talon, Jes, and Naomi all jumped up gathering their weapons. Jes walked over to Frey and fiddled with his restraints for a second and the medic got to his feet recovering his axe as well. I was surprised, but not as much as our former captor. His face was white and his mouth was open, “How long have you been free?” He stammered

  Jes looked up as he was freeing me “I was never truly caught, I was just waiting for the right time. Talon over there,” Jes motioned to figure lifting a brilliant sword “actually broke his restraints. And our Ginger friend melted her restraints.” Jes finally finished and I stood and joined my group. By now the darkness had begun to break and I could see the origin of the screams and the weapons clashing in combat.

  From where we were I could not see many of the unknown assailants, from what I noticed there were only fifteen or so. Each was dressed in crimson armor fitted to their bodies. Some were men and I could identify some as women; each as deadly as the other. Suddenly one taller soldier nearby turned to Talon. The soldier swung a large spear in an arcing path. The point found its mark on Talon’s left forearm. Without flinching, Talon quickly moved and the great white sword slammed into the Spearman’s head shattering his helmet revealing a crimson haired woman. As Talon battled the woman I noticed the rest of us were all standing by watching, even the guards’ leader had joined us. I looked closely at the guard and realized the patch, which had been on his shoulder with the three rings, was missing. I was brought back to the ongoing fight when I heard a thump on the ground.

  Lying on the ground was the crimson haired female. Now that she was not moving I could see numerous scars on her face and in the metal of her armor. The spear she had been using was now lying in two pieces by her still body. I looked up at Talon “Is she dead?” He shook his head in response.

  “If I don’t have to, I will not kill a woman, unless they really push the issue.”

  At the end of the fight, with the addition of the still Spearman, I noticed an eerie silence had fallen over the camp. The sun had now crested the ridges separating the Ogland prairies and the forests surrounding Townsmend, and I could see the carnage. Scattered on the ground I counted 49 Royal Guards and none of the unknown crimson soldiers except for the one at Talon’s feet. Holding weapons at the ready, our party waited.

  On all sides the crimson soldiers cautiously approached, avoiding Talon’s long reach. They all suddenly stopped their approach and seemed to stand down. From the back of the group a stout man with black armor came to the front and walked towards me. I noticed Jes, who was standing close, become tense. I looked at him “I think he might want to talk.” I patted him on the shoulder and stepped from the protective circle. Even as I walked forward I could tell that Talon and Jes were both waiting for a hostile attack. For the first time in a long time I honestly believed my back was protected, possibly by some of the best warriors ever. Of course I would never tell them that, their egos were big enough as it is.

  The individual sheathed his sword and removed his helmet. I had a feeling I had met this man before, but I could not remember when. He looked to the others “sheath your swords this battle is over.” In unison, all the crimson soldiers followed his orders.

  “Okay Talon you can put your sword down and Jes, I doubt these soldiers were fooled by the dagger you have in your sleeve.” I heard the clanking of weapons being put away behind me.

  “Hello, I am Lyndon. I may say thank you for the rescue, but due to the fact your people attacked us I am unsure what to say.” I said.

  “Yes, that was unintentional, but it does seem you are able to handle yourself quite well.” He glanced down at the woman who began to stir.

  “You can have her back if you wish.” I told him.

  The man glanced at a nearby soldier who swiftly recovered his unconscious comrade. “Now you know who I am, I am still eager to know you.” I looked closely and noticed his face was free of scars unlike the fallen woman. His hair was shoulder length, deep black. Matching the color was a beard nearly as long.

  “I call myself Redington and I have actually come to ask for your assistance. But it seemed you needed mine.” His voice, it was so familiar. All of I sudden I remembered how and where I knew him from. He was the mysterious being from my dream.

  I realized we were all still on edge. “Jes we can stand down, I believe we are safe now. Set up camp and take Frey to help any wounded.” Jes looked unsure, but complied. Talon grumbled about blood not being shed or something and followed.

  “Now that the tension is lessened, will you please explain to me why you have come?” I asked.

  “Yes, yes, but it will take some time, so please sit.” He motioned to a log near the tree we had been chained to. It did not bother me since I wanted answers.

  I sat on the log and waited for him to join me. He dragged another log over. “So now that we are comfortable I will answer a few questions you may have and a few you have yet to think of.” I merely sat back and waited.

  “You may have wondered why you and your group are important. There is a war that has been waging for many years. Few know of the war because it is not necessary for people to know. Many have heard of the battles when they spill into populated areas, which we try to avoid at all costs. You need to know because you and your apprentices are the key to ending the bloodshed.”

  Looking shocked “I do not have any apprentices, these are my friends and comrades”.

  “We will get to that, but first I will tell you my story.”


  Centuries Past

  The world was old yet its inhabitants were still young. Humans and others alike were still learning about the wonders of their home. Shlocks stayed to the North and the Humans to the South. No one knew exactly why it had been divided as such, but it had always been that way
. Both free to live their lives in their own way, safe from the other. Neither race even knew of the existence of the other. The border was a great river running from the great mountains in the East to the endless sea in the West. Essentially the only difference was that the Shlocks had a river to the South while the Humans had the river to the North. The river’s name, if it ever existed, had been lost long before Humans ventured close. The river was so wide and the fog so thick that to both sides, they were alone unless they knew of the bridge. Neither race dared cross the great river; not for fear of the water, but for fear of the Brothers. Over the river was one bridge, an earthen bridge which crossed the raging waters. The bridge had been named The Bridge of the Gods, for only Gods were allowed to cross, who in the beginning were often seen wandering the two lands. These Gods took on the images of the respective people’s features and therefore the people continued to live without the knowledge of each other.

  The Brothers had been tasked with keeping the bridge safe. Two of the Brother’s physical characteristics resembled that of Humans and two resembled Shlocks. The 5th and oldest Brother looked like neither yet like both. None had names, for they had not been given any, although they all came from parents, none of them remembered. The Brothers would often venture out seeking companionship of individuals from the other inhabitants as well as fighting in their wars; fine tuning their fighting abilities. Yet each was careful not to give away their true identity. To the inhabitants, the Brothers were a myth, and the strange men who appeared during wartime were thought of as benevolent nobles who thirsted for conflict. Many believed them to be nobles, for their abilities were renowned and only those raised in noble families could afford the amount of training these men had.

  One day, hundreds of years into their guardianship a small army arrived from the South demanding access to the bridge and the lands beyond. The Brothers had been given the task by the Gods to allow none to pass other than the Gods. They refused the Humans and sent them away. Another hundred years passed before the same event happened from the North. Shlocks, while not as smart or crafty as Humans, possessed something that Humans did not. They possessed unwavering courage, maybe due to not understanding death, or not caring. Due to this they were relentless in their fighting, even with fatal injuries. They did not fight for country or allegiance to anything, they fought for the love of it.