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The Apprentices (The Crimson Guard Trilogy Book 1) Page 12

  “I do believe that we are in some secret guard’s quarters, near the city's walls. Jes led us here just before collapsing into his present state. Talon and this red haired woman were already here.”

  “Hmm, well, I must rest. My body screams for sleep. Wake me when Jes regains consciousness.”


  I woke with a start from being shaken.

  “What! Stop shaking me! I'm up.” It took a second for my eyes to adjust; standing before me was Frey, Talon and a girl that I had never seen before.

  “We must leave now” Spoke the newcomer. “The city has fallen into chaos; the reign of Witch Queen seems to have fallen.”

  “It was not me if you all were wondering. I never made it to the top of the stairs." The group eyed each other.

  "I guess it does not really matter, " said Frey "But we must leave anyway, it can’t be long before they find our sanctuary.”

  “What about Jes?” I asked

  “He is on a stretcher near the exit.” Frey answered.

  “Ok, let’s go.” As quickly as my wounded body would allow, I gathered my minimal belongings, which consisted of my robes, my bag, and sword. I realized I had been sleeping naked.

  Oh well, I thought as I dressed in front of the crowd forgetting my inhabitations. After I had become clothed again, I followed my comrades to the back of the adjoining room. In a rudimentary stretcher lay Jes. Talon and Frey took up the ends, and I watched as the woman pushed a concealed lever and the bland wall became a portal to the forest.

  As I exited the room into the forest I wondered if any of my army survived. I pondered more and more on this as we silently snaked our way through the trees traveling in the general direction of our former camp.

  Before we reached any sign of tents we came to a man-made clearing full of smoldering tree stumps. Scattered around embers were hundreds of bodies and cold steel. Picking their way through the carnage were soldiers, some I recognized and some who still wore the colors of the vanquished Witch. Neither was being the aggressors; it seemed that the battle was over.

  Talon began to lead us into the clearing. “Talon, this is no longer our battlefield, what is done is no longer our destiny. We must move on and leave these soldiers to pick up what they can.” Quickly I led the party back into the trees and away from the city.

  “I wonder what will happen now.” I asked as we picked our way through the trees. Not to my surprise none answered. We continued on in the same direction, camping only when we could no longer see our next steps. After the second day we strayed from the forest onto a well-worn path. Standing proudly over the road reads a sign. The name Townsmend leaped out at me; maybe this should be our destination. Staggering up to my side Jes also reads the words. “Jes, ‘bout time that you stopped lazing around, ” I said with concern in my eyes.

  “Very funny. I just woke up. At least I don’t feel like a stampede of horses ran me over, now only about 10 ponies.”

  “What do you think we should do, my friend?”

  “This does seem to be a good chance for rest.” He said.

  “Yes, maybe...” I trailed off, looking in the direction the sign was pointing.


  The lure of home is one that persists in all creatures, and I am one of those creatures. It had been a long time since I had last seen a place called 'home'. Even after all the trials and tribulations that my rag tag group had encountered, I am still drawn to this place, and the reason is still unknown to me. Am I a tortoise born on a random beach destined to return to that first place in memory? Was the journey that I have been on, and still waiting to embark upon just a stage of growth? After struggling to escape the crushing sand, the turtle has to navigate a dangerous new land. Isn’t life supposed to become easier after that first trek, or is life always a struggle?

  We kept to the hidden paths and unused roads, in an attempt to lessen the danger and spying eyes. The direction home was obvious for Jes and me, most of my companions had never glanced upon the small town. Worry showed on many of their faces, but for me the path was true; I could feel it. The tortoise can return home after all those years with no maps or directions, like me, their journey is a part of them.

  It had been nearly a year since I had last enjoyed the pleasures of my hometown. My mentor’s abduction caused me to follow a path far different than I would have ever thought possible. My companions were a mismatched group, full of hidden pasts and unknown futures. Jes, on the other hand, was with me from the beginning, protecting me from dangers foreign and domestic.

  As we entered the city limits, I noticed the small town had changed dramatically in the short time we had been gone. I felt almost lost, nothing looked familiar. The trees were wild and much taller than I could remember. It seemed like a dark shadow had passed by recently. The same feeling continued to cause the hair on my arms to stand on end. I felt like a puppy in a dark new world. Our group passed by the blacksmith’s and pottery barn both looking as if they had been closed since the beginning of time. Squished between two buildings laid an open lot littered with ash and burnt timbers.

  “This used to be the place I rested my head, ” I said as I pointed to the ash pile. All my companions’ eyes followed my gesture.

  The small shack was never anything special. The boards had gaps between them, allowing a strong South wind to slip through and wreak havoc on my books. I laughed a little when something became apparent to me. It was ironic that a place always so cold would come to such a hot demise. We only lingered at the site for a few moments as not much can be learned from a mound of ashes. As we walked through town many faces appeared in windows and doors, but none were familiar. Had it changed so much that the people were different as well?

  “I could remember a time when I would run through the market and call out the names of all the venders.” I directed my comment to the only other person that had been here before, Jes.

  “I know what you mean, now everyone is a stranger. Or are we the strangers?” His question was viable.

  We walked into the tavern hoping to see someone or something familiar. The door creaked the same old sound it always had. At least some things never change, the interior of the building also seemed unchanged. The place did not differ from the time I last dined at the large oak tables. Many happy memories surrounded this place, most I intended on keeping secret.

  Thinking of memories, I glanced around to see Jes standing in the door staring off towards the bar. A woman half hidden by the large oak was Jes’ love before our path took us from this place. I let my gaze return to Jes hoping to see a smile, but instead there was nothing, just the same old frown that had been present for so long.

  “The mind holds onto ideals far longer than the heart,” he said as we found comfort around a small rectangular table.

  “Wow, that was deep. It has been a long time since you left. Do you no longer have feelings for her?” He shrugged his shoulders in response. I knew that nothing else would follow.

  Idle conversation had broken out among the group; for me it seemed so strange. Jes had made no effort to catch the woman’s attention. This inaction left me confused. The way that Frey had spoken of Lisha I figured that Jes would feel the same way. I had never understood love, but now I wish to see Juleen all the time, would that not hold true for Jes and Roselia? Instead, he was attempting to impress another girl, one that had traveled here with us. Looking at him, a sudden realization developed in my thoughts. A tortoise’s home never actually changes, the dangers are the same, and the sand is just as warm and welcoming. It is the animal themselves that change, causing their environment to feel different and sometimes more or less hostile.

  One more location stood before me, one more place to share with my fellow comrades. This place was hostile in every aspect of the word; from the first time the doors allowed me admittance, to the fight on the stairs that caused me to leave my little town. Many memories flooded my mind involving the lighthouse. They always ended with my mentor looking so di
sappointed in me.

  My life was unlike that of any other child in the town. When I was young, my parents sent me away to train under a mentor. Other boys were still learning how to hunt, and could enjoy building forts in the mud after a hard rain. No, not me. I was considered 'special', so a child’s luxuries were forbidden. I didn’t even know how I was any different from the other boys my age. However, after a while everything becomes simple and luxuries. My life turned into a routine, morning till dusk. Excitement was a foreign term. All I ever wished for was a little excitement. Now I understand how I am different, and although I may have missed much growing up, as I looked at my new friends, I am glad that my parents had sent me to Smithson.

  I did not realize that I was as hungry as I was until the food arrived. In fact, we were all excited when the food was placed before us. I looked towards our waitress to thank her when I realized it was Roselia. She was not looking at me, however, her attention was focused on Jes and how he was looking at the newest member of our rag tag group. The smell of the food distracted me from what was happening between Jes and Roselia. Large steaks with juicy baked potatoes, full of flavor created a rich aroma. The grub was one thing I was glad had changed. All I could remember was the dogs around the tavern seemed fat from scraps. All the neighborhood dogs were often seen frequenting the front steps soon after dinner was served.

  It was dark when we finally left our table. I knew the way to our last destination far too well to become lost, even in the darkest of nights. The path from breakfast to the training grounds was very familiar to me even now. I frequented it every day since I was not allowed to stay near the lighthouse not even in one of the many vacant bedrooms. Still to this day it is a mystery why. An odd thought struck me, the last memory of this trail was a scared boy running. Running and trying not to think about what might be hidden in the shadows. Now, I may not know what is lurking in the shadows, but I know with my friends by my side we could face anything. In fact, I cannot quite grasp what scared me so much back then.

  Suddenly rising oddly into the sky stood the lighthouse. It was the same building that I had spent much of my childhood, and the main reason that I have returned now. Ever since the abduction, I have searched for answers to questions that I myself did not know. The only place that might hold these answers is this house and information inside.

  “Here is the place that started it all.” I spoke more to me than any of the souls surrounding me.

  Vines had overgrown the front gate and barred us from entering the grounds. From what I could remember besides the lighthouse situated in the center of the property, were outbuildings full of weapons and tools for all occasions. Other than those man-made structures which were oddly arranged, there were a few trees and many wild vines. The vines themselves were hard to tame, much of the time when I was not learning magic, my time involved these green spiders. It was obvious that no one had taken any time to keep the place in presentable condition. I chuckled as I thought of the asininities of my thought. It had always been my job to maintain the property. Not only that, but with the abduction of my master, along with my traveling who would have cared for the property? I had always been very good at my task, I kept it beautiful year round. A final attempt at the gate resulted in me breaking a sweat, the smell of perspiration reminded me that we had not showered for many days. "Now would be a good time to shower and rest," I said. Tomorrow questions will be answered. I gave up and lead the group back to town to find a place to rest, none objected as we all looked at the lighthouse before returning to town.

  The world had changed and is still changing. I remembered much, but new memories were still to come. The only thing for sure is the tortoise had returned home.


  I awoke sitting up a little too quickly; remembering too late that our very large medic had chosen the top bunk. After leaving the lighthouse we had found only one inn in the area that was still open. What made things worse is they only had one room, with bunk beds. I thought of how stupid it had been of me to sleep under him as I was rubbing the lump developing in my head.

  With more care, I slipped out of the room deciding to get some air. Three sweaty soldiers in a tiny room did not bode well for my sense of smell. I say three because Jes and Naomi did not smell. Usually Jes did, so I could not tell if he had showered or had begun rolling in meadows, but he actually smelled good. I wonder if it's anything to do with our red headed companion.

  I walked out of the Inn and into the deserted streets with no real destination in mind. I rounded a corner and a cloaked figure was standing in the street facing away from me. Strange, I thought no one would be out and about this early in the morning. The figure started walking away. With nothing else to do, I followed.

  I remained back for no particular reason, more out of curiosity than anything. Before I realized, we had made our way a fair distance from town and the figure stopped and stood before an old rusted gate.

  I walked into a shadow and looked up to see the caster. Rising high in the sky was the lone tower. I wondered if this was a coincidence or if the stranger had actually led me here. I looked down when I heard a squeak. The gate swung open and the figure had already made it half way across the courtyard to the central structure.

  I hurried after. “How dare you come here! Who are you? What business do you have with the lighthouse?” I yelled.

  The figure finally stopped at the light house’s door and turned to face me. I nearly fell over myself when I recognized the face. “Juleen.” I whispered. As I said this she lowered the cloak’s hood, letting her magnificent hair free.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked.

  “I have been given a task that I must complete, I am sorry.” She replied and turned to open the doors.

  “What is so important that you can’t stay and talk to me?” I asked

  “I wish I could tell you, but what I am doing is greater than both of us.” She walked up and gave me a hug and whispered in my ear. “I have known you to be my salvation and my love, and one day all of this will come to fruition.” She stepped back and kissed me.

  I could not speak or move, all I could do was watch as she disappeared through the doorway. Minutes passed before I did anything. Wow, I thought. She actually liked me. As I reached out to follow her into the lighthouse, a blinding light erupted in front of me. I tried to cover my eyes with my hands, but it was not much use, the light was too bright. I tried to turn away, but something slammed into me so hard it felt like I had been kicked by a giant. I opened my eyes at the last second to see a familiar out building rushing closer and closer.


  Jes woke and stretched. Another morning living the life, he thought. He jumped up while doing a head count. Talon the dragon man, was still sleeping soundly, Jes stepped closer to Talon and thought is he purring? Shaking his head, he continued around the room. Sleeping in the corner was the red headed beauty. Not wanting to be creepy, he did not lean closer to her. Next he went to the other bunk giggling to himself as he saw the giant medic on the top bunk leaving only a small space below. I told Lyndon not to sleep in the bottom bunk. Jes leaned down to wake his magical friend when he realized he was gone. Oh! Come on Jes thought, am I going to have to save him again. He had hoped that he could have at least eaten breakfast before rescuing his mage friend. Before he left the room, he roused the others, “I am going out, it seems our fearless leader is trying to go it on his own again.” Not letting anyone respond, he closed the door behind him.

  Jes made his way out to the streets, by now people had started to wake from their drunken state to begin the day. Jes already knew where Lyndon had gone. Why would he go to that old dump of a house by himself? Before he could move a familiar voice called after him. Jes lowered his head, hoping to avoid this moment. “Yes, Roselia.”

  “Why did you not come to me last night? You are back in town and you won’t even talk to me.”

girl I have had some soul searching and it seems I do not care to live in your garage anymore. I am off to better things.” Jes said.

  Anger swelled in her face, causing her forehead to redden. “How dare you! I have been waiting and hoping for your return.”

  “I am sure you have, but I am also sure your bed has been filled every night.” With that, he turned and with a smile on his face continued down the road out of town.

  Jes had neared the old lighthouse courtyard when a burst of light filled the sky. Sprinting the last few yards he was just in time to see a body flying through the air like a discarded rag doll. He winced when he saw Lyndon smash into an already damaged outbuilding. Huh! Well, he deserved that, Jes thought as he ran to crash site. Moving a few burnt timbers and other debris he unburied his friend.

  “Hey Lyndon, you still alive? He said this as he slapped the unconscious man in the face. As he drew back his hand again, an interesting thought came to his mind. “So here I am slapping an unconscious Berserker mage. Maybe I should change my tactics.” Jes lightly tapped Lyndon on the shoulder, barely shaking him. “Nope” Jes shrugged and slapped the man again. This time his comrade opened his eyes. “Good morning little guy.” Jes said helping his friend up. He said this just in time to see Lyndon pass out again. Well, I guess it’s up to me then, he thought. With a burst of energy he hoisted Lyndon over his shoulder and started back to town, thinking, “I hope I don’t run into Roselia again, it would be harder for me to escape this time.”


  I opened my eyes to darkness, an empty world. At least it was something. From afar a familiar yet foreign voice caught my attention. “The time is near, you will meet me soon.”

  Again I opened my eyes, this time I was in a room full of light and two people. Jes was standing in the corner yelling at a stranger. The man was not very impressive; he stood tallest at Jes shoulder and weighed less than Talon’s sword. I couldn’t hear what they were saying, but from both their demeanors, something was wrong.