The Apprentices (The Crimson Guard Trilogy Book 1) Read online

Page 11

  The evil spirit lurched to the side away from a stray burst of flame originating from the berserkers finger tips. It attacked far less carelessly as before; but with much greater speed. The shadow creature slashed and stabbed at the mage causing irritating scratches and tiny cuts, but still was unable to land a great wound. Anger swelled within the mage, his movements became slower and clumsier. More and more strikes found their mark, leaving Lyndon bleeding from countless cuts.

  Glints of light flashed off the shadow’s sword as it slashed through the air, swift and meticulous; counter attacks originating from the mage did little to tame the evil. Flames smashed into buildings and gardens, leaving holes large enough for a man to walk through, the street was quickly turning into a war zone.

  Just a short distance away ran a man with a purpose, a quest to save a friend.


  Looking over the scene, Jes could see Lyndon kneeling on the ground holding what seemed to be a deep wound in his thigh. Standing over him was a man made of shadows, more than flesh. In stride the thief produced a small dagger, the same he had used to dispense with the guards earlier. Without hesitating Jes launched the steel weapon, lodging it deep in the beast’s back. From shear exertion of throwing the dagger, the thief lost his balance and rolled to a stop ending in a crouch.

  The beast turned in surprise to see the new enemy with sword in hand. In his mind, he weighed the new threat compared to the one bleeding on the ground. It decided the thief would be an easy match, even though the mage could barely move. Without hesitation, he attacked the newcomer.

  Blow after blow the thief blocked and countered each attack, swinging his short sword in time with the shadow beast. Moments passed slowly and neither man yielded. Surprised by the creatures’ stamina and skill with a blade, Jes renewed his attack with greater recklessness.

  Jes could feel his body, draining, which was wrong, he could not tire this creature.

  The shade pulled on the mortal man, draining him of his vital life force. With each second that passed the rogue allowed more and more attacks to slip by his defenses. Finally from a shear loss of blood, Jes’ body failed and collapsed to the ground.

  Renewed strength filled the beast, the strength that he had not felt in years. He surveyed his wounded and suffering prey, at his mercy, but which to kill first? Which one had the most power that he would enjoy consuming?


  Near the top of the castle a single window remained open. Standing and joyfully watching the battle was the beautiful Witch Queen. A smile spreading across her entire face, she had not seen this level of emotion in a long time. My enemies are now dealt with she thought as she saw the mage sprawled out on the ground. A slight giggle escaped her lips when her Favorite wore down the newcomer.

  “Too bad those two must die so soon, it would have been fun to have used them for sport.” She said aloud more to herself than anyone else.

  A voice sounded behind her, “time passes quickly for those who betray their charge.” The Witch Queen spun to identify her guest. Standing close to her rich feather down couches stood a beautiful woman with brilliant flowing black hair and a body that even made her self-conscious.

  “Who are you and why do you dare stand in my presence?” Spoke the queen.

  “Who I am is of no importance, but what I am here to do is,” responded the woman.

  “Then why are you here?”

  “The people of this city believe it is in need of new leadership. However, that is not why I am here. You turned from your charge many years ago and have let evil endure." The woman motioned to the scene below. "Your pet is no longer yours’ to command, you must have known one day it would free itself from the poor mages’ soul and rise again."

  The Witch Queen laughed "You are wrong pretty thing. I have always known it would and I have hoped for the day. I am only what I am today because of it. Things would have gone far better if that meddling mage Malidor would have died by Taxem's hand, which was the plan. I don't know why my sister likes him so, he was such a coward."

  “Interesting story, but I don't care.” Said the black haired girl.

  “Oh, pretty one, but you should care, if you think that I control evil, then you have no idea what my sister will do if she finds out who killed me. In fact, I should let her know, after I kill you, that there was someone who even thought to usurp me.” Without hesitation the queen summoned a short sword by incantation, and leapt at the mysterious enemy. The black haired beauty parried the sword with a small dagger she had hidden. Jesibell was not used to hand to hand combat, and was a bit rusty. The momentum that she had in anticipation of striking her prey caused her to stumble forward. As Jesibell passed by the young woman, she grabbed the Witch by the throat. “Your time has come to an end, but do not fear you are only the first. Matlintoc sends his best.” She said as she grabbed the magically summoned sword and thrust it through the Witch’s chest, piercing her heart.


  “What am I to do?” I asked myself, as I stared down at my hands now having regained control. Blood dripping from more wounds than I could possibly count. Across the street I could see Jes slowly running out of energy, I knew that he would die soon if I didn’t do something.

  “All this had been for nothing” I whispered to myself. I had not finished or even discovered my true destiny I thought. I have failed everyone, a tear slid down my dirt clogged cheek. How weak, I am, can’t save myself or my friends. Maybe I should just die, there is no need to carry on.

  I raised my eyes and could see the boots of my killer, so very close now. His breathing was like a rough wind in my ears, I closed my eyes, hoping for it to be quick.

  No feeling, no pain, no death blow. I chanced a glance up in the murder's direction and caught a glimpse of a small dagger buried in the beasts back. Well, I thought no time better than the present. I burst from the ground gripping the dagger for support and purpose: the blade slid easily from its resting place to move freely in my firm grip. Without giving the beast time to regain whatever composure, he might have gathered, I sunk the sharp blade as far into the creature’s neck as my strength would allow. Victory was mine, I thought, but before I could jump up and down in excitement a fist slammed into my chest driving me back.

  "Wow, I should be dead if I think that a dagger in the neck would be a killing blow to a creature such as that. I really need some more education in weapons if I hope to stay alive longer than today." I said not expecting an answer. I can’t believe it. I regained my balance and took a defensive posture. I could see now that the beast was hazy eyed and had lost most of its ability to balance; but was still advancing. Looking around I spotted my previously abandoned sword, awkwardly I half ran, half limped to regain my weapon. Slowly I turned to find myself face to face with the killer; awkwardly I jammed the sword through its chest. Again, I lost possession of the weapon as it staggered back, and again I looked around for anything, I knelt down and this time picked up a melon sized rock. If this is as good as I can get then so be it I thought. Painfully the beast withdrew the blade and again advanced, the speed of the swings were dramatically slower than before. I realized as I blocked the strikes with my rock and evaded it, that even my wrecked body could avoid the attacks. The one question that plagued my mind as I avoided death was; is this thing going to die or will I bleed to death first.

  Frantically I shoved my assailant back over a pile of rubble; its feet tangled in a mess of rocks and it fell to the ground. I took my rock and hoisted it above my head, as I neared the fallen spirit, I could see his eyes; they had gone cold as the heat had left with its life. The beast was dead and while I knew it had been it or us; a small part of me felt sorry, this beast died without feeling friendship, for who knows how long.

  Looking around I found Jes sprawled out over a large rock; he looked like a prisoner awaiting to be sacrific
ed. I could tell his injuries were far worse than mine. I stumbled through the rocks and rubble; I had been very lucky to survive. Slowly I made my way to my friend’s battered body. The only movement in the street was the slight rising and falling of his chest, and the stream of blood that had begun to accumulate in large puddles.

  On my journey across the enormous street I paused when an odd thought struck me. Glancing back, I could see the corpse of my former enemy; why had he stopped short of killing me? I glanced up hoping to gain some answers from the heavens. The sky was a brilliant blue, no smoke lingered; no clouds blocking the sun, just clear and tranquil. Farther down the buildings were misshapen with missing windows, roofs, in rare cases some had undamaged walls. Was this all from our fight, or had previous battles been fought in the very spot I stand now? Why am I so calm? I thought. Wounds covered my body, my clothes were saturated with blood, I did not know if it was mine, my friends, or my enemies. My friend was at death’s door and here I stand wondering if the damage to this damned city was my doing. Have I become so desensitized over these few weeks that nothing matters?

  Movement drew my attention from above; our trusty medic was lumbering in my direction. “Are you well?” I said.

  He responded with only a slight nod. When he finally reached me he instantly took to Jes. I knew well, I still had business to attend to. Glancing up again, I focused on the tall tower. Unnoticed I slipped from the streets and regained my spot on the endless stairs, winding up and up through the castle each step more painful than the last. I sure did hope there were no more unforeseen surprises, because I doubted if I had the energy to kill a spider.

  This time up, a musky stench of dried blood filled my nostrils. Much slower was my assent this time, each step filled with agony. Step by step I continued decorating the stairs with red droplets.

  Finally, I arrived at the blown out window that had been my previous exit. A gentle breeze blew across my body; hey, I thought at least I made it back to where I fell. A chuckle escaped my lips as I dropped to my knees, but no further. A warm hand rested on my shoulder. This may be the end, but at least my friends are safe. My job may be complete, but they will take up where I left off. It’s too bad that I would never see Juleen’s eyes again.


  The room was still dark when I finally awoke. I surveyed the area trying to find anything familiar, something that would give me a clue as to where I was. It seemed to be a very basic guard’s quarters. The bed I lay in was set against a wall; a table and four chairs filled the remaining space. In one of the chairs sat my friend, the healer.

  “So how is the side?” I asked. The big man looked up with a smile.

  “I would say I am fairing far better than you and our little thief. The man pointed towards a bed that I had not previously seen.

  “How is he, will he recover?” I asked.

  “Oh, yes it will take time, but he will bounce back. It seems as though you both bit off a little more than you could chew.”

  “Ya, I was thinking the same thing.”

  For a moment we just sat there staring at each other, until I sat up in bed resting my back against the wall.

  “So, I have known you now through tough times and near death twice... I think." I paused, feeling my side. "I just remembered in the first great room, I was injured by that female, I remember the blade and pulling it out, but the wound disappeared shortly after, what happened?" The Healer looked over at me as if he was going to say something. Before he could, I spoke again. "This is as much a mystery to me as are you. I still do not know where you came from, or even your name.”

  “Ah, this is true. My name is Frey and I figure your interest in me is warranted. So I will tell you. I was still young when I discovered my talent, as you might call it.

  I had been in love, or at least I thought I was. A girl named Lisha and I had grown up from a babe together. We were best of friends for most of fifteen years. One day we were strolling down the streets in Denton, our hometown. Denton is or at least was a quiet merchant town in the suburbs of Ogland. It was a normal day, nothing really exciting happened there, except for one man. This man was dressed in exquisite white robes. I could not help but stare. His robes were spotless and in Denton that was extraordinary for Denton was a dirty place. He was also abnormally tall for that area. As he neared time seemed to slow. As he passed a whisper filled my ears, “If it is felt and believed, why then can it not be possible.”

  Frantically I searched the area looking for the source and the man. The man seemingly disappeared as he passed me. Lisha was smiling as normal and the white clad one was gone. This whisper plagued me for days; what did it mean? Finally, I forgot, or at least suppressed both the man and what he had said. After about a week or so, all of the memories returned with the presence of the same stranger.

  Lisha and I had been wandering around town like usual and we decided to stop at the great market. We had just passed an exotic clothing stand when a struggle broke out. A tall man with odd red skin was proceeding to beat up a small pudgy man. The shorter one could do nothing more than take it.

  I knew neither man nor not wanting to get involved I pushed on through the onlookers with Lisha in tow. We had not gotten far when out of the corner of my eye I saw the stranger; he was wearing the same white robe. As he caught my eye the man pointed back towards the fight. Not able to help myself, I glanced back.

  A new man had joined the scuffle to assist the smaller man. Now the strange skinned man had two men on the ground, both nearing unconsciousness. I believed that he would kill them. Behind the aggressor a figure appeared from the exotic clothing store, armed with a crossbow. By now Lisha had also seen the armed man, before I could pull her away she let out a warning. The tall man ducked the projectile. Time seemed to slow again, much like the first time I had seen the white clothed stranger.

  I could see the arrow, the small projectile slipped passed the man, missing by the narrowest of margins. Relief for the man overwhelmed me, until I heard the gasp that changed my life. Lisha’s warning had also been her undoing. The arrow had passed by the man and embedded itself in the Lisha’s chest. Leaning over her I could see the life blood escaping through the wound. The smile had faded and the spark slowly began to vanish from her turquoise eyes. “Please don’t leave me.” She choked.

  That was the moment I remembered the whisper, ‘If it is felt and believed, why then can it not be possible.’ For some reason I closed my eyes; I envisioned myself within the chest wound and a teary eyed girl alive and well. I felt the pain, I believed the pain. Moments passed before I opened my eyes, Lisha lay struggling in my arms mouthing something unintelligible. Her words were overpowered by the pain emanating from my chest, I slipped to the ground as I caught sight of the white robed stranger rushing towards me.

  Later, when I awoke, I found out that I had been in a coma for two weeks. Sitting beside me was the stranger. He was no longer dressed in his white robes.

  “Who are you and where am I?” I had asked.

  “I am your savior, just like you are that girl’s.”

  He told me that I had taken the wounds upon myself, which had nearly killed me. Not only did it not kill me, but apparently I also healed faster than I should have. When I looked down at my chest, I had no scar to explain the damage that had been done. In fact, as I looked over my body, all of my scars had disappeared. It was also brought to my attention about how extremely rare this ‘gift’ was. Even the most talented healers don’t have the ability. After I had blacked out my hero kept me alive, slowly over the two weeks nurturing my broken body back to health. I also found out that the archer had been dealt with by the tall man in the market. The stranger had no news of my Lisha, except she had vanished soon after my collapse.

  “I must go find her. I must find out if she is okay”

  “Your female companion is okay, after you healed her, she had no memory of her injury. She does believe that you may be dead, struck by an arrow in the chest.” With that, the
stranger sighed as I tried to stand up to leave, “No, your destiny is greater than that of your previous life.” He told me about the art of healing and his name. “It is I who will instruct you in this art, and you must, as you owe your life to me for saving you. You will know me as Trimble, but will call me Master.

  “I spent years under his tutelage; until I finally met you, Lyndon, in that meadow.”

  “So what ever happened to Lisha?” I asked.

  “I do not know. I have never returned, but I do dream of her often. I wish I could let her know that I am alive, however, I am sure she has moved on with her life.”

  “Wait! You said that your master was Trimble the Healer?”

  “Yes, Trimble the Great Healer.” He emphasized on Great.

  “Trimble, so that makes three.” I muttered under my breath.

  “What?” Frey asked.

  “Nothing, so are you saying you took my wound?” I asked.

  "Yes, after you pulled the dagger I was able to share in your pain." He said, rubbing his side.

  "Why did you do that?" I asked quickly.

  "I knew you needed to go on. I wield a great axe, but I don't have near the power you do." He responded.

  “But why?” I was not going to let him off the hook that easy.

  “Trimble always told me that a mage would come along that I should follow, even if it meant giving up my own life to save theirs. When I met you, I believed you to be that mage.”

  Although I was shocked, I let it go for now. I changed the subject. "Where are we?" I asked.